Serious talk for serious golfers
About the show
The podcast network for serious golfers. TalkinGolf launched as an online audio show way back before podcasts (or even the iPhone) were a thing. We've been on an extended break since 2012 but now we're back and creating new and interesting content each week as well as a sprinkling of some of the best stuff from the archives.
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Episode 48: TGH 48: The House of Winged Foot
September 15th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 4 mins
architecture, clubhouses, golf, us open, winged foot
On this episode of the TalkinGolf History Podcast we explore not just the architecture and the architect of the historic Winged Foot Golf Club clubhouse, but the history of Golf Clubhouse Architecture in America. Our guest today is Jim Sitar, the person behind the famous Instagram account, "GolfClubHouses," where you can explore many of the famous clubhouses from around the world.
Clubhouses provide more than just a place to change your shoes - listen in for the history and evolution of the buildings many of us take for granted.
Episode 47: TGH 47: The Old Man - Walter Travis
September 11th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 17 mins
garden city, golf, golf history, us amateur, usga, walter travis
Walter Travis lived the life that so many of us dream of - picking up the game just under the age of 35 and winning 4 major championships he became not only America's hero, but Austrialia's first major champion!
Walter Travis only gave golf 30 years of his life, but his contributions can be felt by everyone who has ever picked up a golf club. He was called the Old Man, but in reality he was Golf's Renaissance Man.
Episode 46: TGH 46: There's a Gangster on the Green!
August 27th, 2020 | Season 2 | 57 mins 54 secs
al capone, bmw championship, fedex cup, golf, olympia fields, western open
This is one of the most fascinating episodes of the TalkinGolf History Podcast I have ever done - the story of one of Al Capone's Hitmen, the man who likely designed the infamous St Valentine's Day Massacre and the story of how he played in the 1933 Western Open at Olympia Fields...and was arrested on the course during the second round of play!
If that isnt good enough for you our guest John Fischer discusses his father, the last man to win a major championship using hickory shafted clubs, and for decades was responsible for setting the pins for the Masters. This episode is surely bound for the TGH Hall of Fame!!!
Episode 45: TGH 45: History of Olympia Fields (Part 2)
August 26th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 9 mins
bobby jones, golf history, golf majors, olympia fields, us open, usga, walter hagen
TalkinGolf History is proud to release Part 2 of the History of Olympia Fields Country Club, with special guests Bob Topel and Andy Staples. In this episode we discuss how the major championships forged the lore of the Home of Champions...Olympia Fields and then dive into how a masterplan for a restoration can help celebrate this historic club's legacy.
A great conversation and a couple of laughs follow. As always...enjoy!
Episode 44: TGH 44: History of Olympia Fields (Part 1 or 2)
August 23rd, 2020 | Season 2 | 56 mins 23 secs
golf architecture, golf history, major championships, olympia fields
In Episode 44 we are joined by special guests, Olympia Fields Historian, Bob Topel and Golf Course Architect, Andy Staples to discuss the history of one of the finest country clubs in the United States of America. Over the course of this two part special we will dive into the history of Olympia Fields, how we almost lost her to the Great Depression, the architects who designed her 4 courses and the majors that defined her.
"Olympia Fields was the Private Bandon Dunes of her time."
- Andy Staples
Episode 43: TGH 43: USGA's Schickler Photography Acquisition
August 18th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 3 mins
golf photo, golf photographs, howard schickler, usga, usga museum
On this episode of the TalkinGolf History Podcast we dive into one of the most important visual acquisitions in USGA Museum's History. Over the past several decades Howard Schickler has amassed one of the most comprehensive collections of early golf photography starting from the earliest days of photography and running through the period that preceded World War I.
Our two guests today Howard Schickler, the curator of this collection and Hilary Cronheim, the Senior Director of the USGA Golf Museum discuss the collection and its ability to help tell golf's great history.
Episode 42: TGH 42: Bernard Darwin, Origins of Literary Golf Writing
August 8th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 13 mins
bernard darwin, golf, golf history, golf writer, walker cup
After a lengthy delay due to technical diffilculties, the TalkinGolf History Podcast returns with the history of one of golf's great defenders, the history of the man who understood the game like few have before him or, historian and perhaps golfer psychotica, Bernard Darwin.
Stephen Proctor author of the celebrated book on Young Tom Morris, "Monarch of the Green" joins us to share Darwin's history and some of his delightful words. I know you will enjoy this episode.
Episode 41: TG History 41: The Fisherman, Roofer & the Tin Cup
July 16th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 28 mins
ben hogan, jack fleck, the open, us open, usga
Episode 41 is a special edition to the TalkinGolf History Podcast as it introduces our listeners to one of my favorite sport's history podcasts, "Sports Forgotten Heroes" with its brilliant host Warren Rogan.
This is a must listen episode as Warren and I talk about three of the greatest underdog champions to ever win a major finishing with some great stories behind Jack Fleck's improbable victory over Ben Hogan in the 1955 US Open. I promise this will be one of the best podcasts you listen to this year...the Fisherman, the Roofer and the Tin Cup.
Episode 40: TGH 40: Restoration with Ron Forse
June 9th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 1 min
golf, golf course, golf course architecture, ron forse, us open, usga
The second season of the TalkinGolf History Podcast is focused on the History of the Great Golf Course Architects. In that same theme our guest today has been responsible for restoring the work of some of our greatest golf course architects. Our guest, Ron Forse of Forse Golf Design dives into the special sauce behind historic golf course restorations.
Episode 39: TG History 39: The Golf Heritage Society
May 22nd, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 9 mins
Episode 39: Interview with Dr. Bern Bernacki, the President of the Golf Heritage Society on its 50th Anniversary. The Golf Heritage Society works with historians, artists and collectors to build the collective knowldge of golf's grand history.
Episode 38: TGH 38: The History of Harry Colt
May 6th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 21 mins
In Episode 38 we talk with the founder of Golf Course Architecture Magazine, Adam Lawrence about the man who many consider to be the Father of Golf Course Architecture, Harry Colt. Adam is in the process of writing the definitive biography on Harry Colt - so sit back and enjoy the history of the man who brought golf design into the modern world.
Episode 37: TGH 37: The Lost Routings of Cypress Point
April 27th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 12 mins
A mystery that has lasted nearly 100 years - golf course architecture's very own Indiana Jones movie - the search and the possible discovery of Seth Raynor's lost routing of Cypress Point. Please join us for one of the most interesting podcasts I have been a part of - with special guests Sven Nilsen and Bret Lawrence.
No matter how you look at the discovery and the "who done it" what we do have are two very early routings of Cypress Point that are different than the course Dr. Alister MacKenzie gave us.
Episode 36: TGH 36: History of Dr. Alister Mackenzie - Augusta National
April 21st, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 44 mins
Episode 36 represents the conclusion of the four part podcast with guest Sean Tully and our discussion on the life of Dr. Alister MacKenzie. In this episode we finish his life and times with a discussion of his work at Augusta National.
Episode 35: TG History 35: MacKenzie Part 3, Cypress Point
April 9th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 7 mins
golf history
Episode 35 of the TalkinGolf History Podcast is entirely dedicated to Dr. Alister Mackenzie's masterpiece, Cypress Point. Tully shares some great stories and maybe even a few secrets.
Episode 34: TG History 34: History of Dr Alister Mackenzie Part 2
March 30th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 4 mins
The TalkinGolf History Podcast proudly presents Episode 34 and Part 2 of the History of Dr. Alsiter MacKenzie. On this episode Sean Tully dives deeper into the life of the legendary golf course architect kicking off with the 1914 Country Life Magazine contest, then into the partnership with Colt and Allison and finally the beginning of the last third of his career and going it alone.
Episode 33: TG History 33: The History of Dr. Alister MacKenzie
March 26th, 2020 | Season 2 | 1 hr 3 mins
On Episode 33 of the TalkinGolf History Podcast we dive into the deep end of the History behind one of the world's most famous golf course architects, Dr. Alister MacKenzie, the man who gave us Augusta National, Cypress Point and Royal Melbourne.
This podcast will be one of three podcasts with our guest, Sean Tully exploring the history behind the doctor.